It's sad but true. Our feet, on which our whole body rests, are primarily neglected even though they affect our entire well-being. Just as roots are important to a plant, feet are important to human beings. They're a wonder of nature but receive little attention.
Like so much else, foot massage originated in Asia. More than a thousand years ago, reflex-zone massage was recognized as a natural method of healing. It quickly fell into obscurity, however.
Or was it perhaps deliberately forgotten? Whatever the case, reflex-zone foot massage – via interested naturopaths and therapists using natural remedies – eventually made its way to Europe and America. It has been gratefully adopted in many countries, becoming a blessing for many people.
Unfortunately, a lot of physicians scoff at the practice of foot reflexology, relegate it to the realm of the mystical, and refuse to recognize it. But reflex-zone foot massage is the most powerful anti-disease weapon there is, and it's a natural weapon besides. I'd like to emphasize that it not meant to replace doctors but to spare them from having to deal with ailments not requiring their specialized knowledge.
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