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Why Foot Reflexology?

Updated: Mar 25, 2019

The healing and rejuvenating art of foot reflexology works on the principle that every part of the body in connected to the soles of the feet by nerve pathways and subtle energy channels.

By massaging the foot regularly, you can stimulate these connections, bringing soothing relief to the corresponding body part, whether the sinuses, back and neck, lungs, stomach, shoulder, hip, or other area of stiffness or pain. Conversely, massaging points on your hand is an effective way to treat foot injuries.

A centuries-old form of medicine that has become one of today's most accepted healing arts, foot reflexology can help alleviate a broad range of acute and chronic health problems, including asthma, hypertension, headaches, and kidney trouble, as well as help ensure general well-being and relaxation.

Simple, effective, and completely safe, reflexology massages are a wholly beneficial alternative to traditional medical methods, and a valuable skill to complement conventional treatments.


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