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A Word About Feet

Updated: Mar 25, 2019

A word about feet

Shoes were unknown to our ancient forefathers; they were barefoot. However, in today world, we squeeze our feet into shoes, losing direct contact with the ground. It's a central problem. By wearing shoes, we deprived our organs of the benefits by the reflex zones on our feet.

What even worst, the lack of ventilation and constant pressure (caused by "fashionable" footwear that is often much too small) brings on calluses, corns, hammertoes, and other deformities.

Our society is probably more health conscious today than it ever was, so the importance of wearing the right shoes beginning in childhood shouldn't be news to anyone. Believe me; if you are trying to cut corners when you buy shoes, you are cutting the wrong corners!

Your shoes should allow your body weight to be distributed over the entire feet. With some shoes, however, the weight is concentrated mainly on the joints of the toes, and this cause pinching, calluses, beunions and often deformities on the side of the big toes. A lifetime of wearing ill-fitting shoes can lead to arthritis, stiff feet, and a total loss of blood circulation to the foot areas.

Even more problematic is the fact that these ailments may not stay confined to the feet, but can affect the entire body. It’s a known fact that the feet area mirror images of the body and contain, the same elements that make up the body as a whole.

Each foot corresponds to exactly half of the body, right side to the right foot, and the left side to left foot. The exception is the head (eyes, sinuses, ears, etc., whose reflex zones center in the big toes and sometimes adjacent toes. In the case of the head, the nerve pathways seem to be transposed, that is, the right side of the heads corresponds to the left foot; the left side to the right foot. The reflex zones of the teeth are not transposed, i.e., left side teeth correspond to left big toe, etc.

The secret is to soften all of the hardness and knots in one's feet and to put them in good working order again by massaging the foot muscles. If you return your feet to the original form, you'll eliminate the ailments. So it becomes clear just how important it is that your feet can move naturally. Comfortable, flexible shoes are a must.

Tips For Foot Massage

The ailments as mentioned above can be treated by massaging the feet once daily. In general, the feet should be massaged three times a week (for even better, every other day_ until the reflex zones are completely free of pain.

I want to point out that reflex zones foot massage isn't a therapeutic treatment, but merely an artificial way of going barefoot – a systematic way of going barefoot, of course. So anyone can do it – privately, that is if it's done commercially, a license is required. Only trained persons are permitted to practice massage professionally.

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